Case-Shiller Home Price Index Misses
The 20 city home price index missed in all 3 components...
Released On 2/28/2012 9:00:00 AM For Dec, 2011
PriorConsensusConsensus RangeActual
20-city, SA - M/M-0.7 %-0.4 %-0.6 % to 0.0 %-0.5 %
20-city, NSA - M/M-1.3 %-0.7 %-0.9 % to -0.1 %-1.1 %
20-city, NSA - Yr/Yr-3.7 %-3.7 %-4.1 % to -3.0 %-4.0 %
The 20 City Index had a slight miss of -.5 on expectations of -.4, the month to month rate